Nicol - Brown Amateur Invitational

The 19th Nicol-Brown Amateur Invitational
Piping Competition

October 6, 2001
Trinity College
Hartford, Connecticut

Judge: Michael Rogers

Overall Nicol-Brown Championship

  1. Lionel Tupman
    Prize: airfare to compete in London in November 2002, donated by the New Hampshire Highland Games.
  2. Hector Macquarrie
  3. Erin McCarthy
  4. Matt Pantaleoni

Robert Nicol-Robert Brown Chalice for Piobaireachd

  1. Erin McCarthy (“The Rout of Glenfruin”)
  2. Hector Macquarrie (“Too Long in this Condition”)
  3. Matt Pantaleoni (“Gill Chriosd”)
  4. Lionel Tupman (“MacLeod of Raasay’s Salute”)
  5. Derek Midgley (“The Bicker”)
  6. Lyric Todkill (“The King’s Taxes”)

William Ross Challenge Targe MSR Competition

  1. Lionel Tupman
    (“Jeannie Carruthers,” “The Ewe with the Crooked Horn,” “Miss Proud”)
  2. Hector Macquarrie
    (“Dr. Alistair C. MacLaren,” “Tulloch Gorm,” “The Rejected Suitor”)
  3. Matt Pantaleoni
    (“Capt. Campbell of Drum-a-Voisk” “Mrs. Donald MacPherson,” “Alick C. MacGregor”)
  4. Erin McCarthy
    (“Mrs. John MacColl,” “Susan MacLeod,” “The Cockerel in the Creel”)
  5. Robert Bruce
    (“The 93rd Argylls at Modder River,” “Inveraray Castle,” “Mrs. MacPherson”)
  6. Doug MacRae
    (“Dr. E.G. McKinnon,” “Arniston Castle,” “MacAllister’s Dirk”)

Donald MacLeod Memorial 6/8 Marches

  1. Lionel Tupman
    (“The Trees of North Uist” and “The Heights of Cassino”)
    Prize: The Donald MacLeod Memorial Silver Buckle created by Brian Yates.
  2. Matt Pantaleoni
    (“Rab’s Wedding,” “Jean Mauchline”)
  3. Hector Macquarrie
    (“P/S John Barclay,” “Duncan McGillivray, Chief Steward”)
  4. Erin McCarthy
    (“Ross Battery,” “Bengullion”)
  5. Robert Bruce
    (“Colonel Iain Ferguson, OBE,” “Dr. Ross’s 50th Welcome”)
  6. Lyric Todkill
    (“10th HLI Crossing the Rhine,” “Donald MacLean of Lewis”)

Dress and Deportment

  1. Can anyone fill in this blank?

2001 Competitors

  • Robert Bruce (Maple Ridge, British Columbia)
  • Andrew J. Hayes (Slingerlands, New York)
  • Iain MacHarg (Marshfield, Vermont)
  • Hector Macquarrie (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
  • Doug MacRae (London, Ontario)
  • Erin McCarthy (Fort Ann, New York)
  • Sean McGonigal (Kearny, New Jersey)
  • Derek Midgley (Tinton Falls, New Jersey)
  • J. Matthew Pantaleoni (St. Louis, Missouri)
  • Lyric Todkill (Oak Ridge, Tennessee)
  • Lionel Tupman (Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario)

Also invited, but unable to attend because of travel delays caused by post-September-11 flight problems:

  • Kelly Fuller (Coquitlam, British Columbia)